Thursday, 14 July 2011


God do I get angry lol. No really I do, you know those times when people just talk over you or your saying something really interesting and they change the subject just like that. That gets me right in my nose. Or like you have had a change in yourself and someone says the complete opposite or when your full of beans and someone says 'oh you look so tired' agggh just makes me wanna scream!

So I'm ranting. I'm allowed, I'm mean angry and pretty fed up, look like a bear and am gonna roar really loud. Ok maybe I'm not, maybe just a tad tired.

Angry can be good thou you know, when you have had a really good argument and the tension is high and you have both had enough and then you burst into a fit of passion and end up having the best sex throwing each other all over the place... Right?? lol I know you know what I'm talking about here.

Its best not to take your anger out on your sofa, that can get a little dangerous, too many pillows, feathers, hay fever attack!

I need music, loud when I'm angry, anything rock with a bite and mean lyrics, bulletproof vest kind of stuff. I'll blow my ears off and have a drink and then blow my ears off some more, take a walk or a swim. Exercise is great too when your angry, letting go in the rain and just running, just running, best feeling in the world.