Thursday 20 May 2010

All the Jazz- Part 2


I'm dancing to the delights of friendship at the mo
and love peace and room service!

When I lay under that rain cloud yesterday in the park
I felt sudden peace

I'm not sure if it was the wine or the lemon flavoured crisps
or the fact there was a lady watching me from behind, wanting my head

An assassin on the loose.

I've just been through a massive mess and
now its the calm after the storm

Its good to talk, even shout at the sky
thou watch out for the bird shit

My friend said you can count your true friends on one hand, it made me think how many other friends we have and are they real or just there for our ride, to make us feel good or make us look good, to make us laugh? What do we have all these other friends for, if we can count only the true ones on one hand?

The Carousel of a friend

Lights go on at night and I see my friend's
face reflect going around and around
on my own carousel
There is a horse with pink ribbons
and one with the biggest ears
One has his tongue out
playing fool with the crowd
One seems shy
and one that looks like it could do with a drink
One looks likes it's about to cry
and would happily share its tears for a bit of joy
Different characters, different personalities
always looking and helping you out
in times of need
telling you to get a grip stopping the tide from coming in
but also to ride the waves
Life is too short to be cruel
Life is too short to be blue
But my life will never be short
when I know I have a friend like you.

LR(C) 2007

So think about all the friends you have on fb, do you make an effort and message all of them, cos if you don't, why are they on there??

Some of you have like 500 plus mates, can I ask why? Is this a status thing?

I'm sitting here looking at my fish, they are really good friends :)

Then I think I ate raw fish for the first time yesterday and it felt good -bad answer!

I know who my mates are- do you?

Monday 10 May 2010

Nice cup of tea

Don't you love a good cup of tea?

Well I do!

Recently I have been finding interesting tea cafes/houses/shops whatever you wanna call them with my good friend Mary Poppins (she is the real Mary Poppins, may I also add, you only have to look in her bag)

So far this month and the end of last month, I have been to 'Pekoe' in Barnes, 'Maids of Honour' in Kew and all the way to Leatherhead to 'Annie's' tea rooms'

I'm even found a secret tea house where you don't know until the day before where you will be going, I like this very much.

Tea leaves are my fave, you get a much better taste and they always come in huge pots. I'm liking Lapsang at the mo, the smoky tea. And I like my tea in tea cups not mugs, but with saucers and milk in a jug, the proper English way.

I can't get enough of the sight of all the wonderful cakes they have on display delicately laid out balancing on tiny plates and the aroma of the scones with the berry compote and fresh cream...

mmmm makes me wanna scream!! --- shhhhh don't go telling everyone!

Sunday 2 May 2010


Over this weekend, I have decided that I love supermarkets. Being on my own in Asda with no one telling me to hurry up was absolute bliss.

The best bit of a supermarket is right at the end, you know when you are queueing up to buy your groceries. Well there I was standing and waiting fot the women in front of me to get a bloody move on and I noticed along each aisle was lonesome food that had been abandoned, yep products that people had put in their trolley and then only at the end had decided that no, they won't be wanting that jar of thick peanut butter or that Danielle Steel 'By my side book'(Why would you wanna read that trash?) eggs, DVDs, packets of biscuits some little kid had slipped in without mum knowing! It was fascinating, every aisle had something left. They even had a guy come round to collect all the unwanted products. I bet he goes back to a little room and sits there surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of unwanted items and eats.

There will be a photo exbit soon, called Unwanted I bet.

Seeds, I couldn't buy my seeds for my smoothie. Apparently its now a off the shelf product, another unwanted item for the pile. Something wrong with the seeds the lady kept telling me, like I didn't hear in the first place!
Personally I don't think their is anything wrong with the seeds, seeds are seeds!

I picked up a queen of hearts t-shirt for 6 pounds, and then I put it back.