Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Hell to Sorry, I'm always saying it!, comes out of my mouth like a quick spit, when you have been singing too much and that little bit of spit speeds out and lands on that human that is not even worthy of your sorry.

I usually say sorry to ease a argument, to take the blame,even when it ain't my fault! to brush away my sanity, for feeling embrassed or when I've bumped into somebody on the underground-that happened twice this morning! Sorry for coughing, sorry for walking, sorry for fucking breathing!! Sorry for saying I love you.

Sorry is sometimes the hardest word as Elton said. WHATEVER

'I'm so sorry to hear that' Now that aint so bad, yere your feeling bad for something that happened to that person, it's out of your hands, your space, you cannot touch that sorry, just send it out there. Thats a good sorry.

I would like to hear sorry from a few people, You know who you are and I'm sure a few of you reading this know who they are too! But I don't think I will sadly. Their sorry will come in the way of a word called karma.

So I'm sorry to all the people I hurt
I'm sorry for being somtimes in the wrong place at the wrong time and I'm sorry for my parents who brought me into this sorry world to live my life full of passion and have no regrets...

Sorry. :)